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basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
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missing you!

   sebelum bc entry ni, play kan dlu lgu padi...special tuk korng.....

   lme btol xupdate blog ni kan...huhu..almaklumla kan, msing da bz dgn hal msing2..ad pgy mtrx, ad yg keje, n ad yg blom pgy mne2..hik3...actually, bibi rindu sangat2 dgn korg2...rindu mse kte duduk sme2 dlu. borak, gurau2, especially mse kte try cm ak mu..hahaha..mmg terbukti ckp ak mu lebih mesre..seyez....
ok, sume da taw kan ak skunk blaja kat mlake kn..to be more specific kat MiCoST..law x taw pe 2 MiCoST ,  tnye cik google k...ak wat diploma farmasi..ak x g mtrx cz xdpat support dr fmly..sedey kan...huk3...
Tp ak xkisah, ak msuk kolej ni dh terjamin kerje 6ti..insyaALLAh..doakan ak jd ahli farmasi yg terbaek key..tuk korang jugak..ble korang sakit, ak leh bekalkan ubat...caring x caring x..hehe...

kat cni xramai pun...batch ak dlm 15 org jew...4 laki..9 pompuan...skit kan..xper..ckit2 leh focus..lecture leh concentred sorg2..sbb 2 senior2 kat cni paling koman pon dpt 3.3..hurm, nk crite pe agy ek..ooo. ak kat cni duduk cam dlm apartment..cam rumah la..ad dpur sume..best gop la...satu umh 5 org..

tp sebest- best duk kat cni pom, bg ak korng is the best...xde sape leh lawan..mybe one of us da jupe kwn yg better kat sne, tp bg ak, korng mmg tiade tndingan...ak sedey law korg lupe kat ak...so igt2 ak slalu k..hihi...

the point is, ak tulis entry ni cz ak rindux1000 sgt kat korg....ble lak kte leh jupe....ak slalu doakan korg kat mne2 jew korg brade..n korg jgn lupe doakn ak skali..huhu..akhir kate.. saranghae unnei emah, unnie ila, teah my twins hehe dongseng eny, dongseng saadah, dongseng pqah, n maknae ira.....luv u all muachhh....

lots of love..bibi cute(^_^)V