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basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
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::f!rst trial::

holla..korg ape kabo??sihat kan??Alhamdulillah..sye pon sihat.. =)..nk citer something sket ea..hihi..
sblm msuk UPM, org ade knl senior nie..lelaki lar..dye mmg pndai bab lukis2 nie..since org minat sgt ngn conan tu..org pon suh ye lukis se gmbr conan ke org..hik3..p ye dop lukis pon..huk2..sedey..=(..
chewahhhh..haha..dop2 sedey ea..bese2 je..hmm..lame tu,org tukar dp gmbr conan..bukak je fb,ye tag org kt se gmbr nie..upenye2 gmbr dp org..hehe..hepi lar kejap tgok gmbr tu sbb org dpt ape yg org nak kan..hehehe..malu kite.. *blushing*..hahaha..boley lak wt lawak kt sini..hohoho..okeh!!kt bwh nie gmbr conan yg senior tu lukis..comey kan??sebijik ngn yg ori..kan3??ciap ad signature lgi tuuu..hehe.. ^_^

andddddd...disebabkan kagum sgt tgok ye lukis nie,org pon wse nk lukis gop..
lawpon taw org dop reti nk lukis muke2 org ea..
tp,org try gop wt..kt 3 bln oh org nk sgt2 reti lukis conan nie..bru ari nie
ade usaha nk lukis betul2..and the result issss...taraaaa!!!hehe..

hahahahhaha..x cantik sgt mcm yg senior tu buat kan??huhu..tp at least 
ade jugak rupa conan kan..hihi..so,kirenye it's better than
nothing lar kan..hahaha..nie first time org lukis gmbr conan n membuahkan 
hasil lawpon x perfect.. =D..pnye lar lenguh nk ciapkan lukisan
nie..ambik mse 45 minit kot..heeee..
law lar org ade smngt cmnie gop mse stadi kan bgus..huhu..xpe2..
i'll try my best nnti..oke!! 

annyeong!!luv u alls.. =)
